Jacobson Steel Customer Satisfaction Survey Please rate all of your major steel mill suppliers in each product segment. * Use the 'tab' key to move from one field to the next. Name (required) Email (required) Section 1 What are the most important attributes of good steel suppliers? Where do steel suppliers need the most improvement? How do you communicate with your mill suppliers? What online tools do you use to communicate with mills? How can mill communication be improved? Which steel mill is your major supplier and why? Section 2 Mill Evaluations Please rate each of your major steel suppliers. Enter the name of your largest supplier first. Continue this process until you have rated each of your major steel suppliers. * Use the 'tab' key to move from one field to the next. Do not use the 'enter' key as that will take you out of the survey. Steel Mill Evaluation Company Name and Mill Location: What one word or phrase best describes this supplier? Steel Product(s): On a ten-point scale where 10 is Very Satisfied and 1 is Very Dissatisfied, please rate each of your major steel suppliers. Product Quality 10987654321N/A Price Competitiveness 10987654321N/A On-Time Delivery 10987654321N/A Outside Sales 10987654321N/A Inside Sales 10987654321N/A E-Commerce 10987654321N/A Total Customer Service 10987654321N/A Overall Satisfaction 10987654321N/A Will you be using this supplier a year from now? Very LikelyLikelyUnlikelyNot Sure Would you recommend this supplier to others? YesNo VERY IMPORTANT - What are the strengths and weaknesses of this mill? It is important that you evaluate each of your major steel mill suppliers. Please include the company name and the mill location. -+